man o man.

I should've called this blog "The Monthly Update." Then, the description would have read: "Check for the month-old commentary on life that's no longer relevant."

This is the part where I say I'm sorry.

I'm coming up with a clever little template, do you see? ;)

February started out with a bang. The house was filled with 20 close friends for a Super Bowl gathering to kick off the month. I think there was a lot of laughter, a lot of passing baby Emerie around, a lot of good food, and the Revenge of the Fallen trailer on TV. Yeah, those are my short, detailed memories of that night.

<"stream of consciousness">

February was a celebration of a lot of lives. Both of our brothers had birthdays this month, dear friends of ours had their first baby, we had baby showers, birthday parties, lots of cake, anniversaries, flowers, and a lot of gatherings. Oh, and there was Valentine's Day. And the start of a huge freelance contract that doesn't show any signs of stopping. (Except it ends in June, actually) My best friend got a job in Little Rock so I can see her once a week for lunch instead of seeing her once for a few hours on a Saturday every other month. My mom is now in Georgia temporarily caring for my nephew while my sister is on TDY so I can call her at the drop of a hat because the time difference is only an hour, not thirteen. I got in a car accident. I got a new computer. I had a mini-breakdown and took a personal day from work. I worked a lot this month. I had a Sunday off from volunteering at church, which was the first time I haven't spent 5 hours up there on a Sunday all year. My vacuum cleaner broke (I'm a neat freak and we still haven't replaced it). I've met some amazing, interesting, and funny new people. We helped some friends move to a new place. I learned a great deal about what real love is. I've had some major perspective changes.

All in all, it's been an amazing month.

And I'm really looking forward to the next one. ;)

<"/stream of consciousness">