happy tuesday.

I normally start my mornings off at work by checking out Woot's website. I've always loved the clever little stories they include with each day's item.

This morning's was no different.



removing wallpaper sucks.

There are few random acts of kindness in this world. One of them should definitely be to NOT wallpaper any room in your house. I'll definitely take note of this, as I'm still picking wallpaper adhesive out from underneath my fingernails.

I've already removed all of the wallpaper from the guest bedroom, but it was the master bath that was a pain. A room not even half of the size of the guest bedroom has currently eaten up 8 hours of my life that I can never get back. And I'm STILL not done. I guess that will make its full renovation that much more glorious in the end.

In other news, I wrapped my ankle after last night's Ultimate game. I'm starting to think I should just sit on the grass and cheer. This is for two main reasons: 1) I always end up hitting the ground awkwardly or tripping or running into someone unnecessarily because I'm a total klutz, and 2) I suck. I think it's better to have an invisible Me (yes, my invisible twin should be capitalized) running around on the field. She'd be better and not be so klutzy. Anyways, even with yesterday's ankle incident, it definitely hasn't helped with me standing all day putting pressure on it whilst removing wallpaper.

Oh, and yay...tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary. We've got a full schedule with anniversary activities: Kyle getting a hair cut, working on house stuff, a movie, and lunch. Not very exciting, but when you look at our gift for our anniversary - a house - everything else seems pretty small. ;)

Oh, and Kyle didn't get to take the day off like I did. Phooey.

I'm happy to celebrate 2 years of marriage with this silly man I call my husband. I'll save the sappy entry for a later date, though. ;)

when i grow up...

I had a long conversation with an old friend from Japan. What's interesting about this particular friend is that we talk about once a year, and every year we talk we're at a dramatically new place in life. Last time we spoke over the phone, he was about to leave San Antonio for San Francisco to pursue freelance and gallery work. I was starting a new job with Rizon, we had just moved in with Kyle's folks, and we had just bought a new car.

After today's conversation, I've learned he's recently moved again to the East coast to be an illustrator for a clothing company, and he learned that we now own a house (amongst other things).

It's amazing what can happen in a year.

Kyle and I, along with our friend Joey, worked on the house today after a short trip to Lowe's. Our Lowe's trip consisted of three new door lock sets (holy CRAP they are expensive!), some joint compound, and 2 sample hardware pieces for the kitchen.

As I type this, I'm sitting in our office at Kyle's parents house itching to go back to our house. "Our" house. It's 10:50 at night and all I want to do is read through magazines on the bare 27-year-old carpeted floor in our now wallpaper-less guest bedroom.

Work has been a little nuts this week, as well. It was all about putting out fires, time-management decisions and deadlines. But I guess that's just the workplace for you. It's not the industry I'm in - every job will have problems and none of them are immaculate. I've done some major thinking about where I want to be professionally (and personally) in five or so years, and this week has been integral to that. So I should be thankful.

My friend commented that I was now doing "grown up" things. If that constitutes being married, getting a house, and coming up with a rough 5-year-plan....I'm liking being a grown-up.

case of the short & sweet.

I guess one of the things that's been holding me back from my usual lackluster writing has been the pressure to write at length: I'll wait until I have a soapbox to stand on or if I've had a crummy day to rant about or talk about house plans. Well, no more. I'm thinking about keeping it short and sweet.

For example, I was on YouTube today and saw the trailer for Jumper and about fell out of my chair. (Or off my bed. You get the picture) Not only is my beloved Hayden Christensen in a new film after a long hiatus, but a very interesting non-Star Wars-y film to boot. I never watched Sliders on TV, and never read the book, but you'll definitely catch me at Rave watching this on its premiere weekend.

Here 'tis: